Diego My First Dogo Argentino
Diego was the first Dogo Argentino that I got about 5 years ago. I remember picking him up at the airport like it was yesterday. He was this cute little thing with a patched eye, at first I was upset because the breeder did not tell me I was not getting an all white dogo. It only took a couple of days and than I started to really like the patch, he was really cool looking. Diego was my first so I had to learn all about Dogo Argentinos wail training him. A couple of weeks after I got him he started to get a bump on his head, so I contacted the breeder and the Oak View Animal Clinic in Pea Ridge Arkansas . I took him in and had him checked out by Dr. Karen Sherman, she said that it was nothing, that he must have hit his head on something but I told the Doctor that he had not and also that the bump was hard, once again she told me not to worry about it. So I told the breeder that Dr. Karen Sherman said that it was nothing to worry about, but that never sat right with me.
I took Diego to training class's and trained him at home until he would listen to all my commands. I spent hundreds of hours training him and thousands of dollars bringing him up. When I got the dog I had told the breeder that I wanted a dog I could show and breed, they gave me a price so I thought that is what I got, but when it came time to get the papers for Diego they said no that I first had to get him fixed and that is not what we talked about. New to the Dogo world I did not know that a $2200 dog did not come with papers. It really does not matter now because even if he had papers it would not have changed the outcome.
As Diego grew so did the bump and also Diego's behavior grow more and more erratic. He started fight with my other dog and not listening. I worked with him trying to get him right but still things got worse. I took back to the Oak View Animal Clinic a bunch of times to have him checked out but the doctor just kept telling me that he was fine and he was not fine. After some time the fights got so bad that I had to send my other dog to live with my brother.
When Diego was 19 months old I took him in and had him fixed, thinking that would calm him down and that is when everything went to hell. About a week later I found Diego on the landry room floor having a seizure but at that time I did not know that was what he was having. A couple of weeks earlier I got a shock collar to put on my because of his behavior. I did not turn it up high and just used it if he was doing something really bad. So when I found him on the floor I thought that the collar had shorted out and almost killed him. I called the company and was really mad, they said that they were really sorry and to send it back so they could test it. They also told me that the collars don't give off a big enough zap to hurt the dog and that this had never happened before. So I sent the collar in and said to myself that I would never use a shock collar again.
A couple of days later I found him outside having another seizure and that is when I took him to the Vet, I feel really dumb now, thinking it was the collars but I had never seen a epileptic seizure before. I took him to the Vet and they said that he had epilepsy. They gave me a bunch of pills and charged me a bunch of money and I took him home. The Meds did not work, so I took Him back to the Vet and they gave me bigger pills and charged me some more money and I took him home. This went on for two weeks and still they were not stopping and every time that he would have one he would not remember me and would come after me. My baby was scaring the shit out of me. I know that he was not himself after he had a seizure but he could have killed me. So the day before he died the vet gave me stronger pills and some kind of downer to give him hoping that would work and it didn't. That night at 8:00 PM he started to have seizures, one after the other until about 2:00 AM. He would crap himself and than seize in it, it was a big mess and I felt so bad for him. I had given him his meds but he kept throughing them up. At 2:00 I got the seizures to stop and put and bunch of towels in the landry room so that he could go to sleep. I was awoken at 5:30 because he was winning so I went to check on him and he was covered in pee, so the seizures must have started again. I gave him his meds and they would not stop, my wife and I where trying the best we could to keep him clam and to stop the seizures, so that we could take him to the Vet. Every time we thought they were stopping and we could get him to the Vet they would start again. At that time we did not have a crate to put him so we could not safely transport him, so the first thing we did when we got our new Dogo was buy a big crate. We wanted to take him to the Vet and have him put down because I was never going to let this happen to that poor dog again. That dog was in misery and there was nothing we could do for him. At 12:00 noon my wife and I decided that it was time that I got my rifle and put my baby down, but I did not have to, at 12:15 Diego had his last seizure and died. I called my nephews to come over and help me bury him the entire time I was digging his grave I cried, I really loved that big goofy dog.
I took Diego to a different Vet to have an necropsy done on him. Dr. Dicky checked him out and told us that he had a brain tumor. It's funny that one of the first thing this new Vet did was to X-ray Diego head and he found the tumor right away. If Dr. Karen Sherman would have just done that in the first place I could have put him down and saved us and the poor dog a lot of hell. After his death I e-mailed the breeder and told them what had happened. They contacted the doctor and than called me back, they told me that the Oak View Animal Clinic and the vet were worthless and to never take another dog there. The drilled Dr. Karen on why she never x-rayed the dog and all she could say was that she thought it was a bump. The Breeders told me that because I had contacted them and took the dog to the vet that they would replace the dog. It took them about a year but they did make good and sent me Dante. To all of you people out there new to the Dogo world I hope that none of you have to go through this.

Diego The Day We Picked Him Up From The Airport.
My Daughter With Diego
Diego with his ears taped up
Baby Diego
Diego All grown Up a Couple of Weeks Before He Died.